My selected notes are forgotten every time
The audition window does not work
When printing, it always prints the stupid menu
The playing function shall transpose the song, please
Now the piece has the correct key, but it has the wrong octave
Is this site only for recorder players?
Und why is there a point "Recorder"?
How do I handle a transposing instrument?
I want to practise alto recorder with notes written one octave lower ("chorical notation")
I want to practise one or several certain keys
Who benefits from this whole site?
Are there also music sheets in the bass clef?
The audition function sounds a bit strange
Why are the names of the keys not in the transpositon table?
Chord names: should there not be B7 instead of H7?
Can I have a piece for some special instruments?
I tried hard to clarify with each of the pieces, that it is public domain.
Unfortunately this is not always easy.
If someone is entitled to claim copyrights on any of the pieces on this site, please send an e-mail
as soon as possible, so I can clarify, if the song should remain in this collection.
There are several mail links on this site. And with every song page there is a copyright link with the tag "©opyright" on top of the notes.
Under the condition, that the pieces on this site are public domain (which is what I think), they can be used freely
without restriction from my part. Also the downloaded pdf files can be distributed and printed without restriction (they were
created by me).
When you move the mouse pointer over a note, it must get a blue border.
When you click on it, it must get red.
When all this does not happen, then probably Javascript is not activated. Unfortunately Javascript is essential,
without it the site does not work at all.
But when something happens, but terribly slow, then it might come from a strange setting. In the Internet Explorer
(sorry, I do not have an English browser, wording may be different)
you can set the option "Get new versions of the page with: every access to the page". This is found under "Extras/Internet options/
Temporary internet files/Properties". If it is set like this, it must be set to option "Automatic" instead of "every access to the page".
Then it should be fast again.
In order to get your selected notes stored, cookies must be allowed in addition to Javascript. If only "session cookies" are allowed, you can use the site, but you must then enter your notes again, when you come to the site again. Cookies can be allowed in the Browser settings.
Then there is something wrong with Javascript. Under the link "⇐ ?" (on each song page) you find some possible causes.
But there are some more possible reasons. E.g. with Quicktime in the Firefox browser:
Sometimes it is necessary to tell Quicktime, that it shall handle midi data.
(sorry, I do not have an English Quicktime, wording may be different)
To change it, please start Qicktime and search in the main menu: "Edit/Properties/Qicktime settings/Browser/Mime properties".
Then you must set the checkbox mark under "Audio..." to "MIDI". Close all the windows with many OK buttons and restart the Browser.
This site now also has every song as a downloadable pdf file. Please load it down in your desired key and print it in the pdf reader.
This can be done easily under the link "⇐ ?". this link is beneath every song.
Here you can decide, how many half notes every song shall be transposed. "0" means, that the song shall not be transposed.
But be cautious: the setting is stored.
If you forget, that you have changed the setting, it can be very annoying.
If you want e.g. to transpose the piece one octave upwards, you just have to click the rightmost transpose button twice under the piece. Of course only, if has the piece in the demanded height. General hint: if you click a transpose key right of the center, the piece moves upwards, else downwards. All of this is explained in more detail in the instruction video "browsing in the song list". The video can be found under "What is in here?".
No. Everybody wanting to practise melodies, that are written in the violin clef, can use this site. Even transposing instruments can be used.
I have seen, that recorder players have some special problems.
Especially when you want to use several recorders (e.g. Alto and Soprano) in turn. You can do this already
on this website, but it is tedious. You must then change the notes that you can play. Alto recorder
players often want to switch between high ("absolute") and low ("chorical") notation.
In fact you also have to change the key (C-major on the soprano becomes F-major on the alto).
And when you want to play something, that is written for the soprano with a sopranino, you get
problems with the audtion function. All this is much easier now:
at the first time you have to set up the recorder, that you are using right now (this means, the one
that matches the notes you entered). Then you can later switch the recorder with one or two mouse clicks,
and everything is adapted automatically.
Now you can combine every recorder notation with every real recorder (tenor, alto, soprano and sopranino).
In addition there are now the basic recorder fingerings.
As long as you do not use the audition function, there is nothing to do. If you want to use it,
click the link
"⇐ ?" over any song. There you can transpose the playing.
You can do this, when you select the instrument "Guitar" in the note selection page. The following list contains the notes
that you need.
You can also simply switch the recorder (in the main menu: "Settings/Recorder"), if you entered your notes already
for another recorder notation.
You simply click on "Settings/Keys" on the main menu and chose the according keys in the transposition table.
There were also the basic fingerings for the recorder (under main menu "Settings/Recorder"). I have removed them (I think, there were not many users). In the link list there is a also a link to "Winfried Bauer's recorder fingering charts". There you find much more.
This varies, depending on your personal preferences:
Everyone can play simple and nice pieces.
Lazy ones can play each piece in the most simple key.
Studious ones can play each piece in each key.
Thoughtful ones can practise the loud notes then, when they do not annoy the
neighbours so much, and restrict themselves to the quiet ones in the rest of the time.
Ruthless ones can do it the other way round.
All songs are also available in the bass clef. It works like this: you go to "Selecting notes" (under "Settings") and chose one
of the both bass instruments at the bottom. In the upcoming note list you must at least chose one note. When you now look
at a song via "All songs", it uses the bass clef automatically. And if you enter all notes that you can play in the note list,
then you can practise in the bass clef via "Practise!".
From now on you do not see the violin clef any more. If you want to get back to the violin clef, you have to chose
any instrument with violin clef and at least one note.
Unfortunately there is a restriction: if a song (in a certain key) that would fit in the range of the bass clef,
but it is so high, that it also fits in the range of the guitar, it is not visible for the bass clef. This means, that some
of the higher variants of many songs are missing. So please be especially careful with the "practising note". If this note is
rather high, then some songs might be completely missing.
Unfortunately. But it depends mostly on the midi sounds that are installed on your machine. If you find it too high, you can change the transposition to e.g. -12. If the chords are annoying, they can be switched off easily. Both things can be done in the window with the link "⇐ ?".
It has turned out, that many people do not know how the key names relate to the chromatic signs (sharps and flats). And besides of this, there is still the problem with the modal keys. This means, that when there is for example no chromatic sign, this could mean C major, or A minor. But it could also mean D-Dorian or some other modal key. Especially in folk songs this is often found. So the usage of images of the chromatic signs is more unique and less confusing.
Unfortunately the note (and chord) names are different in English and German. The note, that is called "B" in English
is called "H" in German, and the English "Bb" is called "B" in German. Most ugly is, that the name "B" is in both languages
and means something different. On the other hand, the sheets shall be understood in both languages. For this reason, on this
web site we use the "semi-german" notation. For the English note "B" we use name "H" and for English "Bb" we use "Bb".
This has the disadvantage, that this is wrong in any language, but at least it is unique and cannot be misunderstood.
An English speaker must get used to this: "H means B".
All I can offer you is on this website. This means, I do not have other versions at home. Some of the pieces have 2 voices (you can see it by the "2" in the list). Pieces with 3 or more voices do not exist at this site. The 2nd voice is sometimes taken from the composer, but is also often generated some other way. Mostly the 2nd voice does not fit to the lyrics. You can switch between 1-2 voices with the switch icons above the respective piece.
I also have some questions to you:
What do you like most at this web site?
What do you like least?
What should be improved?
Which songs (especially non-german) are also important?
I would be pleased to receive a mail, also, if not all questions are answered.
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